
Razu Mohiuddin
Graduate student in physics


I am an experimental particle astrophysics doctoral student at Case Western Reserve University. I'm currently working in the Monreal Lab and the Project 8 collaboration, pursuing my research interests in neutrino physics.


The Project 8 experiment aims to measure the mass of the neutrino, a subatomic particle with extremely low mass, through the analysis of the beta decay of tritium atoms. The experiment uses a novel technique called cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) to measure the energy spectrum of electrons emitted in the radioactive decay of tritium. By measuring the energy distribution of the emitted electrons, Project 8 aims to determine the absolute mass of neutrinos with unprecedented precision.
T decay Within the Project 8 Collaboration, I am working in a few different projects. As part of the machine learning team, we implemented deep convolutional neural network autoencoder (U-Net based) to segment highly class-imbalanced spectrogram images, improving efficiency over traditional methods by more than 20%. Currently, I am employing natural language processing (NLP) techniques in machine learning to identify patterns within noisy signals, thus enabling low power signal detection. I am also working with resonant cavity mode filtering and manipulation.
Check out recent publications in the following section.
Past work I worked with the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) and Community of Physics in the past.


"Tritium Beta Spectrum and Neutrino Mass Limit from Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy " PhysRevLett.131 (2023) 102502
"SYNCA: A Synthetic Cyclotron Antenna for the Project 8 Collaboration" JINST 18 (2023) 01, P01034
"Deep Learning based CRES track and event reconstruction in Project 8" APS DNP (2022)
"The Project 8 Neutrino Mass Experiment" 2022 Snowmass | arXiv: 2203.07349
"Viterbi decoding of CRES signals in Project 8" New J.Phys. 24 (2022) 5, 053013
"Bayesian analysis of a future β decay experiment's sensitivity to neutrino mass scale and ordering" Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) 6, 065501


I am a graduate student in Physics at Case Western Reserve University, where I am conducting research in the exciting field of neutrino physics.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am an avid photographer with a deep passion for capturing the beauty of landscapes and architecture, as well as people/pets. During my free time, if I am not working on a home or car project, I like to dedicate my time acquiring new skills. I enjoy immersing myself in reading, exploring new realms through video games, and staying active through sports like tennis, soccer, and basketball.
Open CV


Feel free to contact me by emailing at email
Mailing Address
CWRU Physics, Rockefeller Building
Rock 118A
2076 Adelbert Road
Cleveland, OH 44106